First Look

     The following visualizations explore the pokemon dataset, including the various attributes (e.g., speed, defense) of the pokemon. I hope you are able to learn something new and just have a good time exploring!
     Getting familiar with your dataset is always a top priority. Use the parallel coordinates plot below to get a better understanding of the creatures in this universe. To take advantage of the plot, make sure to play with it! For example, try the following:

This dataset will contain all information across all pokemon (up to 721 now). I think you will find it much more useful than an empty pokedex!

Another Perspective

     Now that you have a better understanding of the dataset, let's take another look using a statistical technique called Principal Component Analysis (PCA). PCA is a dimension reduction technique. If you look at the parallel coordinates plot above, you can see that we have six dimensions to view (e.g., speed and health points). PCA answers the question: What if I had to save the same amount of information with fewer columns? On this dataset, using only four columns can explain almost 90% of the information contained in the six columns above.
     Each axis in the graphs below corresponds to a combination of columns that 'get at' something. For example, take a look at the second principal component: Speed vs Defense. As you go to one side of the axis the pokemon listed there have much higher speed than they do defense, whereas going in the other direction will yield pokemon with much higher defense than speed. A pokemon with very high values in both categories will be closer to the middle. This area will also include pokemon which score very low in both categories. So whether weak or strong, balanced pokemon should stick around zero whereas those specialized in a certain area will appear closer to the end of one of the axes. Keep in mind that these graphs will really be useful in telling the difference between pokemon in general rather than finding an individual pokemon. The point here is to get an understanding of how certain groups of attributes move together.
     To better understand what you are viewing, each axis of the subplots below corresponds to one of the following (Note that attributes in parentheses less significant than those outside of parentheses.):

     Once again, this plot is interactive: Click and drag across any of the subplots to filter the pokemon that you are looking at. The pokemon that are not within that area will be dimmed across all of the other subplots as well. To remove a filter, just click anywhere outside of it and all the pokemon will be displayed again.

1       2       3       4       5       6

Make your team!

     Now that you have had the opportunity to explore the dataset, try building some teams for comparison. The final plot will take two teams of six pokemon and compute the average attributes for each.
     Highlight the dots with your mouse to see the actual averages across the teams. This will also make that team's color more prominent in the plot.



A critical part of how your visualizations are interpreted and graded will be based on your discussion. Your discussion should include the following sections: Each section in your discussion should be well-marked on your webpage and be approximately 2 to 5 paragraphs each. See below for details on what you should include in each section.

Techniques (per visualization) [2-5 Paragraphs]

     For each of your D3 visualizations, include the following information:      Include a brief summary of any additional visualizations you provided as well. If you implemented them using something other than D3, please state as much in your discussion.

Interactivity (per visualization -or- overall) [2-5 Paragraphs]

     Discuss the interactivity implemented in your project. Indicate the type of interactivity and describe how it enhances your visualization. For example, interactivity can help provide focus + context, help overcome overplotting issues, decrease or increase data density, and so on.

Feedback (overall) [2-5 Paragraphs]

     Discuss the prototype you demonstrated in-class, the changes you made based on feedback, the feedback you found particularly helpful (and why), and feedback that you did not agree with (and why). If nothing falls under each category (for example, you did not make any changes based on feedback), please state as much so you are not docked points for missing information.
     The prototype I demonstrated in class was the parallel coordinates plot. The feedback on it was really helpful in pointing out ways to make it easier to understand the information being displayed. In particular, the ideas that I implemented from those given to me were to change the opacity of the lines to make it easier to see what was behind them, and to make the lines thinner for a similar effect. In order to make sure that the pokemon of interest did not get lost with these effects I added hover actions (in particular displaying the pokemon's name and boldening the line) in order to make sure that the user could see which pokemon remained after the filters were applied.
     Since I decided to color by generation it was suggested that I put that at the far left, which I think was a great idea to make it easier to users to interpret.

Challenges (overall) [2-5 Paragraphs]

     Discuss the challenges you encountered during this project, how you addressed the challenge, or why you did not address the challenge. Use this discussion to (a) help illustrate for others how difficult small changes can be, and (b) to try and earn some credit for your work that did not make it into the final visualizations. If you ran into 0 challenges, I'll assume you are a visualization/JavaScript/D3 expert and raise my expectations of your work accordingly!
     I ran into many challenges while working through this project. Below are the ones that stand out the most from my experiences:

Conclusion (per visualization -or- overall) [2-5 Paragraphs]

     What did you learn about the dataset from your visualizations? This is a difficult but critical part of your discussion. We care utmost about the accuracy and informativeness in the field of information visualization, and you must convince me that your visualizations were informative. Use your visualizations to make conclusions about the data, explain those conclusions, and explain how your visualization supports those conclusions.

Steven Rea - MSAN 622